
Are you UNTAMED? Prove it, and win a KILLER litho! by J.C. Hutchins

My dear friend Tabz recently turned me on to the cool folks at Stranger Press, and -- since she's doing some outreach on the company's behalf -- also hooked me up with a FREE super-sized lithograph of the cover of THE UNTAMED, Volume 1. Smokin' hot.

But since my walls are covered, I want to give it to YOU!

Check this from Tabz: "THE UNTAMED is the first comic from Stranger Press. The company is truly born out of a Hollywood mindset in terms of quality, look and feel. ... Stranger Comics really seeks to bring back the feel of the golden age of comics, but with a modern twist. The stories are dark, but with a resounding, emotional plot line.

"In THE UNTAMED, we meet an unscrupulous man now facing purgatory who seeks escape by killing 7 souls. His journey seems to be going according to plan until he meets a young woman who reminds him of his daughter. Will she be his next victim?"

I've read an excerpt, and the thing's burning my laptop screen, it's so hot. Check it here.

So. Want that killer litho of THE UNTAMED's cover? Participation is easy-peasy:

  • Send Tabz an email.
  • Put in the subject line: J.C. SENT ME!!!
  • Start the email with: "Tabz, I am UNTAMED!"
  • Include your name and mailing address.
  • That's it.

Tabz herself will randomly select one lucky winner; I'll post the winner's name in the comments of this post.

DEADLINE: Nov. 6, 2009. You gotta move fast if you wanna keep up with the Hutch ... and THE UNTAMED!


Flash Fiction: "Ursa Minor" by J.C. Hutchins

Since it's Halloween, I thought I'd toss something unusual in the podcast feed. Check out this experimental piece of fiction I wrote and recorded back in Nov. 2008 titled Ursa Minor.

At the time, Celldweller's album Soundtrack for the Voices in My Head was brand new (it's a stellar album; pick up a copy), and I was smitten by its cinematic-style music. I was so inspired, I contacted Celldweller mastermind Klayton and asked if I could write at least one short story inspired by his music ... using his music in the story as a soundtrack.

The goal: To tell a complete tale using only the time allowed by the music, while timing plot points and action to specific moments in the music. The end result is Ursa Minor, using the song of the same name from the Celldweller album.

It's 1:44 minutes long. A fun creative challenge! I hope you enjoy the tale, as brief as it is. :)

Happy Halloween!


"The Grammar Devotional" free PDF excerpt by J.C. Hutchins

Let it be said that I unabashedly crush on Mignon Fogarty, aka Grammar Girl. It's not a "come hither" kind of crush (though I hope she won't mind me saying that she is a knockout) ... it's a creative crush, a crush fueled by absolute admiration and amazement for what she does, and how danged easy she makes it look. Grammar Girl's podcast is one of the most popular indie 'casts in the Milky Way galaxy, and for good reason: Each week, she provides invaluable advice on how to become a better writer. She tackles such pesky issues as "affect vs. effect," "who vs. whom," the particularly stymieing "that vs. which" and so much more. Regardless of your professional field, her show will improve your communication skills.

She's also the brains behind the Quick and Dirty Tips network, a website thriving with other podcasts filled with equally awesome advice. Plus, she's a New York Times bestselling writer; her Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing book was released to stellar acclaim last year, and still dominates several writing-related catagories at Amazon.com.

The best part? Mignon is back with a NEW book, which promises to deliver some killer advice: The Grammar Devotional. What I've read of this book is stellar, packed with resonant, practical advice for writers of all skill levels. If you're keen to polish your wordherding skills, this is a must-buy. In fact, here's the book's Amazon page. Go get 'em, tiger.

Want to give some of Mignon's daily tips a test drive before you buy? I've gotcha covered. Dig the link to the PDF below; there, you can download a month's worth of the books daily tips, for free. If you find it as helpful as I did, you'll click that Amazon link and snag a copy.

There are few authors I endorse without hesitation. Mignon Fogarty is one of them. Check out The Grammar Devotional, support her work, and become a better writer in the process! Everybody wins!


UltraCreatives Interview #19: Kent Nichols of "Ask A Ninja" by J.C. Hutchins

Welcome the second half of J.C.'s UltraCreatives conversations with the creators of "Ask A Ninja." Today, J.C chats with writer/producer/director Kent Nichols, who in 2005 -- along with co-creator Douglas Sarine -- debuted a very strange, very funny and what would soon become a very influential video podcast called "Ask A Ninja."

Since 2005, the show has been downloaded more than 100 million times, and has helped Kent and Douglas launch projects in mainstream publishing and filmmaking -- including the recently-released The Ninja Handbook, and the upcoming remake of the awesome cult classic comedy, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. Kent chats about both of those projects here today.

Also in this interview, Kent discusses the beginnings of "Ask A Ninja" -- which was originally envisioned as an animated project -- its success, finding one's way in the filmmaking and new media spaces and a lot more. Whether you're a fan of "Ask A Ninja" or an aspiring creator, Kent provides plenty of insight into the creative process, and the business of entertainment.

Find Kent Nichols on the World Wide Everywhere*:


Coming next week: The return of J.C.'s 7th Son: OBSIDIAN short story antholgy!

*Yes, this line was shamelessly swiped from an AAN episode.

UltraCreatives Interview #18: Douglas Sarine and the "Ask A Ninja" Ninja by J.C. Hutchins

In this incredible episode of UltraCreatives, J.C. chats with Douglas Sarine and the Ninja, both from the chart-topping "Ask A Ninja" video podcast. While Douglas and Kent Nichols (whose own UltraCreatives interview will debut tomorrow) are credited as co-creators of the show, the Ninja reveals in this interview how he recruited the duo to bring Ninja Knowledge to the world, after receiving permission from ninja Grand Master Kudamono to do so.

Douglas and the Ninja also discuss the success and history of the "Ask A Ninja" podcast, the awesomeness of being a ninja, and the now-available The Ninja Handbook, the official guide to becoming a near-ninja (which was painfully transcribed by Douglas and Kent). The book is the embodiment of all that is Awesome.

During this interview, the Ninja also reveals the name of his ninja clan, the design of his clan's flag, how his life has changed since the podcast debuted ... and shares all of this wisdom while doing battle with fierce creatures.

Find Douglas and The Ninja on the World Wide Everywhere*:

In the episode intro, J.C. announces the imminent return of 7th Son: OBSIDIAN, and that it will conclude in three weeks.


Coming tomorrow: The second "Ask A Ninja" UltraCreatives interview with Kent Nichols!

*This line was shamelessly swiped from an AAN episode.

Ultracreatives Interview #17: Mur Lafferty by J.C. Hutchins

After an unexpected -- and shame on him, unnannounced -- micro-hiatus, J.C. Hutchins is back with a new UltraCreatives interview. This episode features the triumphant return of author and podcaster Mur Lafferty. There have been some tremendous developments in Mur's career since she last appeared on the show back in February. J.C. and Mur discuss her novel Playing for Keeps, and how it was recently purchased by indie publisher Swarm Press for mainstream release. Mur also chats about the reactivation of her "Stories of the Third Wave" podcast, her ambition to rush the Amazon.com charts on August 25 and much more. It's a fun, fascinating interview.

Find Mur Lafferty on the World Wide Everywhere:

In the intro to this episode, J.C. also explains just where the hell he's been for the past three weeks, what commitments have kept him from releasing 7th Son: OBSIDIAN content, and when that content will return to the feed. (Hint: It's goddamned soon.)

As promised, here are links to some important sites (including MINE, J.C.'s new pop culture blog project) and some writing he's done in recent weeks.

UltraCreatives Interview #16: Tee Morris and Philippa Ballantine by J.C. Hutchins


We'll soon dive back into 7th Son: OBSIDIAN, but it's time for another killer UltraCreatives interview, this one with novelists Tee Morris and Philippa "Pip" Ballantine. These authors have got a first-ever publishing promotion to talk about, as well as writing in the Fantasy genre, their love of history, and a lot more. In this terrific chat, Tee and Pip discuss their new promotion called "Double Trouble," and how you can help them make an impact at Amazon.com on August 8th. It's a double whammy of awesome.

Find Tee Morris and Philippa Ballantine on the World Wide Everywhere:

J.C. serves up a teaser regarding future author announcements (free swag is coming!), and encourages folks to visit JohnAlphaForPresident.com to snag a free "John Alpha '08" bumper sticker...


Coming up tomorrow in the podcast feed: A fun OBSIDIAN short-short starring the cast of The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd!

UltraCreatives Interview #15: Matthew Wayne Selznick by J.C. Hutchins

It's the second UltraCreatives interview for you this week, and this one's packed with history-making exclusive news from author Matthew Wayne Selznick. Matt is the author of Brave Men Run: A Novel Of the Sovereign Era, a groundbreaking novel that was released in several forms -- including print -- in 2005. Now nearly three years later, independent publisher Swarm Press has picked up the novel for mainstream release. In this conversation, Matt chats about Brave Men Run and how he's promoting it. He also shares his scrappy artistic roots and how they greatly influenced his lifelong "Do It Yourself" philosophy.

Coolest of all, Matt announces some exclusive information about his ambitious plans to rush the Amazon charts on July 13 (the book's release date), the incredible all-day event he has planned ... and something truly special that he hasn't yet announced in the podosphere. It's history making stuff, and you'll hear about it here first in this UltraCreatives interview.

Find Matthew Wayne Selznick on the World Wide Everywhere:

In the "talky talk" introduction to this episode, J.C. Hutchins reveals some developments in his own creative world, including:

  • An upcoming interview on OnThePod, and a recent interview on Slice of Sci-Fi
  • An update on where he stands in the editing process of the new novel he's co-writing, Personal Effects: Dark Art
  • The release date for the new novel, and how that affects the release of 7th Son: Descent
  • A not-so-coy reveal on who's "blurbing" the book

Coming up next in the podcast feed: FINALLY, the two "Voices From the Darkness" episodes J.C. owes listeners, and then more 7th Son: OBSIDIAN goodness as we roll into mid-week!


UltraCreatives Interview #14: J.R. Blackwell by J.C. Hutchins


It's the fourteenth episode of the UltraCreatives Interview Series; this one's an incredible conversation with the brilliant multifaceted artist J.R. Blackwell.

J.R. is a writer, photographer, singer, podcaster, blogger, contortionist and performer. She's incredibly gifted at all of these art forms, many of which skew toward the fantastical and horrific. In this interview, J.C. and J.R. Blackwell talk not only talk about her many projects, but also what  informs and unifies her creative style throughout these different media. It's an incredible conversation, and J.C. was thrilled to have her on the show.

Find J.R. Blackwell on the World Wide Everywhere:

This is the first of two UltraCreatives interviews for this week. Watch the feed on July 1, when J.C. drops his interview with Matthew Wayne Selznick, author of the novel Brave Men Run.

Coming up in the podcast feed: Two "Voices From the Darkness" fan-created 7th Son: OBSIDIAN episodes, and then the first part of Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff's epic OBSIDIAN story.


UltraCreatives Interview #13: Chris Miller by J.C. Hutchins


While the power's been out (and chaos has reigned) in the first week of the 7th Son: OBSIDIAN short story anthology, things are fine in UltraCreatives Land! Welcome to the thirteenth episode of the UltraCreatives Interview Series. This week, J.C. chats with the insanely awesome codeshaman, Chris Miller.

Chris Miller is the co-founder of Podiobooks.com, a lead developer at Mahalo.com, a writer, podcaster and a personal friend. J.C. considers Chris Miller one of the kindest and smartest people he's ever had the privilege to meet. This interview conversation covers the gamut: topics include Chris' writing and podcasting, but the centerpiece of this conversation focuses on programming. You're going to enjoy the twists and turns this conversation takes.

Find Chris Miller on the World Wide Everywhere:

In the intro to this episode, J.C. explains why he won't be on Twitter for a while, and suggests that you reach him here via blog comment, email or by calling the Clone Line at 206-984-2566.


UltraCreatives Interview #12: Cory Doctorow by J.C. Hutchins


After a week hiatus, the UltraCreatives Interview Series is back! This week, J.C. Hutchins chats with Cory Doctorow, co-editor of BoingBoing.net, activist and author of the new novel, Little Brother.

Cory is best-known as a pioneer in the Open Media movement and the "giving it away is okay" philosophy -- releasing free versions of his fiction to evangelize and enhance the exposure of his printed work. He's a trendsetter and visionary in this field. In addition, Cory is an activist, consumer advocate, and a co-editor for the culture blog, BoingBoing.net.

In this interview, Cory chats about his career as a writer, his activism, and Little Brother, which debuted in bookstores last week. Stick around after the interview: you'll hear an excerpt from the novel, which is also available as a DRM-free audiobook from Random House Audio.

Find Cory Doctorow on the World-Wide-Everywhere:

Also mentioned in this episode:

  • J.C. Hutchins has completed rewrites on his new novel (nicknamed "Code Phantom")!
  • The novel debuts next March
  • Expect a full announcement regarding Code Phantom in the weeks ahead
  • Later this week in a "Beta Clone Army Update" podcast, J.C. will explain why he's been mum about the project so far

Spiffy reminder: The groundbreaking 7th Son: OBSIDIAN short story anthology debuts later this month! Catch up by listening to J.C.'s sci-fi thriller 7th Son podcast novel trilogy, found here.

UltraCreatives Interview #11: Mark Jeffrey by J.C. Hutchins


As J.C. Hutchins promised in his last UltraCreatives episode, this is podcast #2 for today -- an interview with the amazing author Mark Jeffrey. Outside the realm of podcasting, Mark is a Silicon Valley success story: he's an entrepreneur, a savvy networker and a visionary. But within podcasting, Mark is best known as an author, and one of the first three "inventors" of the podiobook. In early 2005, his book, The Pocket and the Pendant, debuted alongside the works of Scott Sigler and Tee Morris, and set a standard for story and production quality that's still heard today.

J.C. chats with Mark about The Pocket and the Pendant, how he wrote and podcasted it ... and also discusses some of his business ventures, and how they helped shape his novel writing career. Best of all, Mark has an exclusive announcement for the podcasting community and beyond. The UltraCreatives Interview Series is the first announcement of this anywhere, and J.C. was thrilled that Mark came on the podcast to share the news.

Expect a "Beta Clone Army" update episode later this week.

Find Mark Jeffrey on the World-Wide-Everywhere:


UltraCreatives Interview #10: Jared Axelrod by J.C. Hutchins


It's an UltraCreatives "two-fer" today: You're getting TWO interview episodes for the price of one! Today's first episode is with Jared Axelrod, a podcaster, writer, actor, director, puppetmaker, costume maker -- there's very little this man can't do, which is why it was a thrill having him on the podcast. In the podcasting community, Jared is best-known for his "Stories from Free Planet X" podcast. J.C. Hutchins and Jared speak at length about that and his other creative endeavors. It's a hoot, and you'll learn a lot about the life of a multi-faceted artist.

There's tons of news for listeners to learn about, including coverage in The Washington Post and the groundbreaking "audience participation" invitation for all 7th Son listeners for the 7th Son: OBSIDIAN short story anthology ... but there's no time to do it in this episode. Expect an informal "Beta Clone Army Update" episode in a day or two.

Find Jared Axelrod on the World-Wide-Everywhere:


UltraCreatives Interview #9: Chris Brogan by J.C. Hutchins


This week, author J.C. Hutchins interviews social media expert Chris Brogan. Chris has been a blogger for the past 10 years, is well-respected in the blogging and social media space, and is renowned for his accessibility, excellent writing, and ability to connect with his audience. Chris often evangelizes about social media trends -- and we get into that in the interview -- but J.C. also asks about Chris' personality and world view, and the philosophies that power his daily life and adventures in social media.

The recording is a little noisy; through the miracle of Skype, J.C. chatted with Chris while Chris did some work at a coffee shop. The cheerful ambience adds to the listening experience. Enjoy the conversation!

Sites mentioned in this interview:

Subscribe to the free UltraCreatives Interview Series podcast -- and J.C.'s free sci-fi podcast novel trilogy, 7th Son -- by visiting the Podcasting Primer page. Be sure to watch the short "C2G (click, click, get)" video for easy-peasy instructions on how to quickly subscribe to this award-winning content.

This week's episode of UltraCreatives is sponsored by Audible. Begin your free trial today -- and receive a free audiobook -- by visiting AudiblePodcast.com/UltraCreative.

J.C.'s intro chatter includes:

  • A big "thank you" to listeners who are spreading the word about Scott Sigler's novel INFECTED, and its April 1 debut in bookstores everywhere. Continue to evangelize! Let's get Scott on The New York Times bestseller list!
  • Thanks to your feedback, J.C. will post informal "audioblog"-style updates in the podcast feed. Expect these to focus on his creative projects.


UltraCreatives Interview #8: Scott Sigler by J.C. Hutchins


It's the eighth episode of the UltraCreatives Interview Series, and this week J.C. chats with sci-fi/horror novelist and podcaster Scott Sigler.

Sigler has blazed new trails in publishing by podcasting his novels for the past three years ... and now, just days away from the debut of his novel INFECTED in bookstores everywhere, Scott discusses his professional drive, his creative inspirations, his unique story in publishing, the INFECTED release ... and even what frightens him.

This is a must-listen interview with the master of horror podfiction!

Links mentioned in the interview:

Two calls to action in this week's intro!

  1. Would you like to hear informal "audioblog"-style podcast updates from J.C. Hutchins about his upcoming fiction projects? Send him an email and tell him so!
  2. Spread the word for Sigler! Share this episode's shownotes URL with your friends, family members and bloggers you admire. Tell them about Scott's success story, and encourage them to evangelize this interview (which provides an excellent introduction to Scott and his work) on their own blogs. Let the world know about the April 1 release of INFECTED in bookstores everywhere!

Subscribe to the UltraCreatives Interview Series podcast -- and J.C.'s free sci-fi podcast novel trilogy, 7th Son -- by visiting the Podcasting Primer page. Be sure to watch the short "C2G (click, click, get)" video for easy-peasy instructions on how to quickly subscribe to this award-winning content.


(Note: J.C. is aware that there's a very brief "voiceover remnant" from the last UltraCreatives interview in this podcast. The interruption is two seconds long, and shouldn't detract from your listening experience.)

UltraCreatives Interview #7: Guy Kawasaki by J.C. Hutchins


Welcome to the seventh episode of UltraCreatives! This week, J.C. chats with Guy Kawasaki, prominent blogger, entrepreneur and venture capitalist. This conversation runs the gamut, from Guy's early years in Hawaii and at Apple Computer, to his current projects Truemors and Alltop. Equally important, Guy shares practical insights on identifying worthwhile creative/business ideas, public speaking and more. This one's a must-listen, folks.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Subscribe to the free UltraCreatives Interview Series podcast -- and J.C.'s free sci-fi podcast novel trilogy, 7th Son -- by visiting the Podcasting Primer page. Be sure to watch the short "C2G (click, click, get)" video for easy-peasy instructions on how to quickly subscribe to this award-winning content.

This week's episode of UltraCreatives is sponsored by Audible. Begin your free trial today -- and receive a free audiobook -- by visiting AudiblePodcast.com/UltraCreative.

Pre-interview chatter notes: J.C. enlightens listeners on these cool topics...


UltraCreatives Interview #6: Seth Harwood by J.C. Hutchins


This week, crime noir author Seth Harwood joins host J.C. Hutchins for an in-depth, energetic UltraCreatives interview about his debut novel Jack Wakes Up, and its upcoming print release.

Seth chats about his writing career, how he came to love the crime fiction genre, how his profession as an English teacher influences his writing (and vice versa), and more. It's a fun, forthcoming interview by one of the biggest names in podcast fiction. There's plenty to learn here for aspiring writers and fans of great, gritty fiction.

Find Seth Harwood on the 'net:


UltraCreatives Interview #5: Jason Calacanis by J.C. Hutchins


This week on UltraCreatives, J.C. interviews entrepreneur Jason Calacanis, CEO of Mahalo.com, the world's first human-powered search engine.

During the chat, Jason explains the creative and business philosophies powering Mahalo.com, the creativity an entrepreneur needs to succeed, his personal drive (and the life experiences that defined it), and more. The interview is enlightening for aspiring entrepreneurs, or people pursuing any creative endeavor.

Links mentioned in this interview:

In addition, J.C. mentions the Blogger & Podcaster magazine cover story featuring him and fellow podcast novelists Scott Sigler and Mur Lafferty. Find the online version of the article (written by "The Bitterest Pill" host Dan Klass) at the Blogger & Podcaster website.

For newcomers to JCHutchins.net, welcome! Learn how to subscribe to J.C.'s 7th Son podcast novel thriller trilogy by visiting the Podcasting Primer page. For more info about 7th Son and its awesome fans, view this Summer 2007 media kit PDF.

UltraCreatives Interview #4: Mur Lafferty by J.C. Hutchins


In this installment of UltraCreatives, J.C. chats with novelist and podcaster Mur Lafferty. A brilliant storyteller and essayist, Mur has released her writing into the podosphere since 2004. Thanks to her "veteran" status in the community, she has a has a unique perspective on podcasting's roots, the state of podcasting today, and where it's going.

J.C. and Mur talk about that, her first memories as a writer, what allured her to podcasting, and more. Of particular interest are her thoughts on her Heaven series of audio novellas, and the conclusion of her hit podiobook, Playing for Keeps. The interview is about 90 minutes long, but Mur's conversation and anecdotes are stellar, and well worth the listen.

Find Mur's work here:

If all goes according to plan, next week's guest will be entrepreneur and Mahalo.com founder Jason Calacanis.

UltraCreatives Interview #3: Jeff Pulver by J.C. Hutchins


The third episode of J.C.'s UltraCreatives Interview series brings Jeff Pulver -- co-founder of Vonage -- to the program. Jeff has been called a "serial entrepreneur," is a trailblazer in the VOIP industry, and is a social media evangelist. Most recently, Jeff created PULVER.TV, a new 24/7 television network on the internet.

During the chat J.C. and Jeff talk about PULVER.TV, the ultracreative drive of entrepreneurs, his passion for amateur radio, and a whole lot more. The conversation is both insightful and inspiring, and anyone with a creative streak will enjoy it.

Check out the great content at Pulver.TV here, and be sure to subscribe to his blog at JeffPulver.com.