UltraCreatives Interview #11: Mark Jeffrey / by J.C. Hutchins


As J.C. Hutchins promised in his last UltraCreatives episode, this is podcast #2 for today -- an interview with the amazing author Mark Jeffrey. Outside the realm of podcasting, Mark is a Silicon Valley success story: he's an entrepreneur, a savvy networker and a visionary. But within podcasting, Mark is best known as an author, and one of the first three "inventors" of the podiobook. In early 2005, his book, The Pocket and the Pendant, debuted alongside the works of Scott Sigler and Tee Morris, and set a standard for story and production quality that's still heard today.

J.C. chats with Mark about The Pocket and the Pendant, how he wrote and podcasted it ... and also discusses some of his business ventures, and how they helped shape his novel writing career. Best of all, Mark has an exclusive announcement for the podcasting community and beyond. The UltraCreatives Interview Series is the first announcement of this anywhere, and J.C. was thrilled that Mark came on the podcast to share the news.

Expect a "Beta Clone Army" update episode later this week.

Find Mark Jeffrey on the World-Wide-Everywhere:


UltraCreatives Interview #11: Mark Jeffrey
J.C. Hutchins