
UltraCreatives Interview #13: Chris Miller by J.C. Hutchins


While the power's been out (and chaos has reigned) in the first week of the 7th Son: OBSIDIAN short story anthology, things are fine in UltraCreatives Land! Welcome to the thirteenth episode of the UltraCreatives Interview Series. This week, J.C. chats with the insanely awesome codeshaman, Chris Miller.

Chris Miller is the co-founder of, a lead developer at, a writer, podcaster and a personal friend. J.C. considers Chris Miller one of the kindest and smartest people he's ever had the privilege to meet. This interview conversation covers the gamut: topics include Chris' writing and podcasting, but the centerpiece of this conversation focuses on programming. You're going to enjoy the twists and turns this conversation takes.

Find Chris Miller on the World Wide Everywhere:

In the intro to this episode, J.C. explains why he won't be on Twitter for a while, and suggests that you reach him here via blog comment, email or by calling the Clone Line at 206-984-2566.


UltraCreatives Interview #13: Chris Miller
J.C. Hutchins

UltraCreatives Interview #11: Mark Jeffrey by J.C. Hutchins


As J.C. Hutchins promised in his last UltraCreatives episode, this is podcast #2 for today -- an interview with the amazing author Mark Jeffrey. Outside the realm of podcasting, Mark is a Silicon Valley success story: he's an entrepreneur, a savvy networker and a visionary. But within podcasting, Mark is best known as an author, and one of the first three "inventors" of the podiobook. In early 2005, his book, The Pocket and the Pendant, debuted alongside the works of Scott Sigler and Tee Morris, and set a standard for story and production quality that's still heard today.

J.C. chats with Mark about The Pocket and the Pendant, how he wrote and podcasted it ... and also discusses some of his business ventures, and how they helped shape his novel writing career. Best of all, Mark has an exclusive announcement for the podcasting community and beyond. The UltraCreatives Interview Series is the first announcement of this anywhere, and J.C. was thrilled that Mark came on the podcast to share the news.

Expect a "Beta Clone Army" update episode later this week.

Find Mark Jeffrey on the World-Wide-Everywhere:


UltraCreatives Interview #11: Mark Jeffrey
J.C. Hutchins

UltraCreatives Interview #5: Jason Calacanis by J.C. Hutchins


This week on UltraCreatives, J.C. interviews entrepreneur Jason Calacanis, CEO of, the world's first human-powered search engine.

During the chat, Jason explains the creative and business philosophies powering, the creativity an entrepreneur needs to succeed, his personal drive (and the life experiences that defined it), and more. The interview is enlightening for aspiring entrepreneurs, or people pursuing any creative endeavor.

Links mentioned in this interview:

In addition, J.C. mentions the Blogger & Podcaster magazine cover story featuring him and fellow podcast novelists Scott Sigler and Mur Lafferty. Find the online version of the article (written by "The Bitterest Pill" host Dan Klass) at the Blogger & Podcaster website.

For newcomers to, welcome! Learn how to subscribe to J.C.'s 7th Son podcast novel thriller trilogy by visiting the Podcasting Primer page. For more info about 7th Son and its awesome fans, view this Summer 2007 media kit PDF.

UltraCreatives Interview #5: Jason Calacanis
J.C. Hutchins