Flash Fiction: "Ursa Minor" / by J.C. Hutchins

Since it's Halloween, I thought I'd toss something unusual in the podcast feed. Check out this experimental piece of fiction I wrote and recorded back in Nov. 2008 titled Ursa Minor.

At the time, Celldweller's album Soundtrack for the Voices in My Head was brand new (it's a stellar album; pick up a copy), and I was smitten by its cinematic-style music. I was so inspired, I contacted Celldweller mastermind Klayton and asked if I could write at least one short story inspired by his music ... using his music in the story as a soundtrack.

The goal: To tell a complete tale using only the time allowed by the music, while timing plot points and action to specific moments in the music. The end result is Ursa Minor, using the song of the same name from the Celldweller album.

It's 1:44 minutes long. A fun creative challenge! I hope you enjoy the tale, as brief as it is. :)

Happy Halloween!


Flash Fiction: “Ursa Minor”
J.C. Hutchins