UltraCreatives Interview #13: Chris Miller / by J.C. Hutchins


While the power's been out (and chaos has reigned) in the first week of the 7th Son: OBSIDIAN short story anthology, things are fine in UltraCreatives Land! Welcome to the thirteenth episode of the UltraCreatives Interview Series. This week, J.C. chats with the insanely awesome codeshaman, Chris Miller.

Chris Miller is the co-founder of Podiobooks.com, a lead developer at Mahalo.com, a writer, podcaster and a personal friend. J.C. considers Chris Miller one of the kindest and smartest people he's ever had the privilege to meet. This interview conversation covers the gamut: topics include Chris' writing and podcasting, but the centerpiece of this conversation focuses on programming. You're going to enjoy the twists and turns this conversation takes.

Find Chris Miller on the World Wide Everywhere:

In the intro to this episode, J.C. explains why he won't be on Twitter for a while, and suggests that you reach him here via blog comment, email or by calling the Clone Line at 206-984-2566.


UltraCreatives Interview #13: Chris Miller
J.C. Hutchins