david moody

Pre-Order Melzer's "Escape" And Hit The Mother Lode! by J.C. Hutchins

My friend and fellow author James Melzer debuted some terrific news today, and I wanted to share it with you fine peeps. Melzer is the author of Escape: A Zombie Chronicles Novel, the first book in a trilogy that combines zombies and government conspiracies. It'll be in bookstores later this year.

To whet your appetite for that novel, Melzer is rewarding folks who pre-order Escape by sending them an exclusive excerpt of the novel months before it's released ... and he's sending pre-order customers The Mother Load, a massively awesome horror/suspense short story anthology Melzer commissioned for this promotion.

is an eBook collection of never-before published stories from six great authors, including Mur LaffertyS.G. BrowneDavid MoodyWayne SimmonsMatt Wallace, and Jeremy C. Shipp. It's available to anyone who pre-orders Escape starting today -- Friday, February 25, 2011 -- and right up until Escape's release on December 6, 2011.

Wanna support Melzer? Awesome. Here's the rules:

The only way folks can get their hands on this eBook collection is by pre-ordering Escape at any of the following online retailers: Amazon (Print Edition)Amazon (Kindle Edition)Amazon UKAmazon CanadaBorders.com, and Indigo Canada.

People must forward their purchase receipts to EscapeNovel@Gmail.com. Within 24 hours, they'll receive a .zip file containing The Mother Load anthology in .mobi, .epub and PDF formats for their eReaders. An exclusive text excerpt of Escape is included in this file.

Learn more about Escape at Melzer's website. Here are some great things two great writers are saying about Melzer's work:

"This is the 1984 of zombie novels" -- Scott Sigler, New York Times Bestselling author of Ancestor and Contagious

“Just when you think you know where it’s going, Melzer kicks you in the balls and turns everything on its head. Escape will take you to the edge and leave you wanting more.” -- David Moody, author of Hater, Autumn, and Dog Blood

So what are you waiting for? Support my friend and fellow author James Melzer by pre-ordering a copy of Escape today! With that anthology and excerpt of the book that'll soon arrive in your inbox as reward, you'll feel like you've hit the mother lode!


HEY, EVERYBODY #002 by J.C. Hutchins

Behold, a new episode of J.C.'s new podcast "Hey, Everybody!" This week, your humble host motormouths his way through some killer announcements and endorsements. First up is J.C.'s thoughts on David Moody's Hater, a new horror thriller novel released by Thomas Dunne Books, a division of St. Martin's Press, J.C.'s publisher. Compelling, grisly and downright spooky, Hater comes highly recommended.

As a special "try before you buy" bonus, you'll get to hear an excerpt of the novel, narrated by Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff! Learn more about Hater at David Moody's website.

J.C. yammers on about some other great news, including:

The anthem for Hey, Everybody! is "Chip Away" by Jane's Addition, distributed freely via BitTorrent and the Nine Inch Nails/Jane's Addiction tour site, Ninja2009.com.

Like what you hear? Please leave a comment, and tell a friend about the show, and about Personal Effects: Dark Art!

J.C. Hutchins