
HEY, EVERYBODY #009 by J.C. Hutchins

Hot damn, it's another "Hey, Everybody!"-packed week -- this is the first of two episodes to drop this week. It's a big-big debrief on J.C.'s recent adventures at Balticon 43, which was held Memorial Day weekend. There are muchly ruminations, including recaps on J.C.'s first public reading, the Stranger Things SINGULARITY event, the Personal Effects: Dark Art launch party, his impressions about the PE:DA novel itself, and some philosophical ramblings here and there. Someone get this guy a frickin' script!

Be sure to answer J.C.'s call to action regarding the Personal Effects "Swag Bag." Send him an email with your thoughts! And do please consider pre-ordering a copy of Personal Effects: Dark Art.

Links/awesome folk mentioned in this epsiode:

The anthem for Hey, Everybody! is "Chip Away" by Jane's Addition, distributed freely via BitTorrent and the Nine Inch Nails/Jane's Addiction tour site,

Like what you hear? Please leave a comment, and tell a friend about the show, and about Personal Effects: Dark Art!

J.C. Hutchins

HEY, EVERYBODY #002 by J.C. Hutchins

Behold, a new episode of J.C.'s new podcast "Hey, Everybody!" This week, your humble host motormouths his way through some killer announcements and endorsements. First up is J.C.'s thoughts on David Moody's Hater, a new horror thriller novel released by Thomas Dunne Books, a division of St. Martin's Press, J.C.'s publisher. Compelling, grisly and downright spooky, Hater comes highly recommended.

As a special "try before you buy" bonus, you'll get to hear an excerpt of the novel, narrated by Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff! Learn more about Hater at David Moody's website.

J.C. yammers on about some other great news, including:

The anthem for Hey, Everybody! is "Chip Away" by Jane's Addition, distributed freely via BitTorrent and the Nine Inch Nails/Jane's Addiction tour site,

Like what you hear? Please leave a comment, and tell a friend about the show, and about Personal Effects: Dark Art!

J.C. Hutchins

J.C.'s Balticon schedule by J.C. Hutchins

This Memorial Day weekend, I'll be hanging out and having a blast at Balticon 43, a terrific sci-fi convention near Baltimore. This will be the third year I've attended, and I think this will be the best one yet. In addition to speaking on several panels, knocking back beers with old pals (and making new friends), I'm thrilled to be hosting a launch party for Personal Effects: Dark Art. I also hope to do a reading from Dark Art while I'm there. And there might be another surprise...

Here's my schedule for panels and events for the weekend. I hope you'll attend. Let's hang out!

Friday, May 22 11pm: Nanofiction: The Next Big Thing?

Saturday, May 23 4pm: Reading 6pm: What Is Social Media? 10pm: Live! Mr. Adventure

Sunday, May 24 3pm: Anti-Social Media 4pm: Best Promotion Techniques from the New Media Pros 10pm: Personal Effects: Dark Art and Christiana Ellis' Nina Kimberly the Merciless book launch party
