Podcast: StoryForward, Episode 018 -- Alison Norrington, Liz Rosenthal & Tishna Molla / by J.C. Hutchins


In this episode, hosts Steve & J.C. talk with the organizers of two of the largest transmedia conferences of the year, both coming up in October: The StoryWorld Conferencein Los Angeles and Power to the Pixel in London. Find out all there is to know about these two amazing events as our guests Alison Norrington (StoryWorld), Liz Rosenthal and Tishna Molla (Power to the Pixel) fill us in on all the transmedia goodness they have planned.

Also, Michael Anderson from ARGNet joins us to fill us in on the latest happenings in the Alternate Reality Gaming world, including a cool new grassroots game.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Podcast: StoryForward, Episode 018 — Alison Norrington, Liz Rosenthal & Tishna Molla
J.C. Hutchins