Podcast: StoryForward, Episode 017 -- David G. Wilson / by J.C. Hutchins

After a six-week vacation from the podwaves, Steve and J.C. return with a new StoryForward episode! In it, Steve regales us with tales of transmedia triumph in Colombia, and J.C. teases one of his transmedia projects that’ll debut next month. This week, StoryForward also speaks with David G. Wilson, Vice President of Global Business Strategy at EON Productions (the production company behind the James Bond film & entertainment franchise) and co-founder of SEAM, a new website designed to foster creator collaboration. In our chat, David shares his passion for storytelling, and discusses some of the practical advice presented in SEAM’s new ebook, Story Design.

After the interview, Steve and J.C. return to share some stories about Steve’s humorous “insta-ARG,” World Without Helium.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Podcast: StoryForward, Episode 017 — David G. Wilson
J.C. Hutchins