
HEY, EVERYBODY #011: The Debrief by J.C. Hutchins

It's the DAY ONE DEBRIEF in which J.C. gives you a full (if sleep-depped, rambling) report on how Personal Effects: Dark Art performed online and in bookstores yesterday, its mainstream debut. There is muchly gushing, muchly chatter about Phase Two, and some swearing. Because Hutch swears. Links/stuff mentioned in this epsiode:

You'll hear more from J.C. in just a few hours. Now, he shall sleep.

The anthem for Hey, Everybody! is "Chip Away" by Jane's Addition, distributed freely via BitTorrent and the Nine Inch Nails/Jane's Addiction tour site,

Like what you hear? Please leave a comment, and tell a friend about the show, and about Personal Effects: Dark Art!

HEY, EVERYBODY #011: The Debrief
J.C. Hutchins