NOTE: For up-to-date posts, visit This post is stuffed to the gills!
Welcome to the Personal Effects: Dark Art LIVEBLOG experiment! Today is the release date for Personal Effects in North American bookstores, and I'll be documenting the entire experience -- from sales rankings, to giveaways, to content YOU send me -- here throughout the day. Be a part of the celebration and ORDER THE BOOK HERE.
Most-recent updates will be near the top of the page; all updates will be timestamped U.S. East Coast time. Let's have some fun! Be sure to sound off in the comments along the way!
Note that links to any online retailer do not imply my endorsement of one retailer over another. Updates are provided for informational and update purposes.
10:48 PM
The LIVEBLOG post has gotten too big for its britches! Standby as I create a new post to accommodate new content!
10:26 PM
Technology conspired against the Hutch! Lost an entire (and awesome) update here, but will try to post pics a bit later. Update time!
Current sales rank online: 8 in sci-fi (holding strong), 21 in fantasy (holding strong), 66 in mystery & thrillers (up from from 70!), 330 overall (up from 371)!
Also, the book is currently #1 in the "Hot New Releases" for science-fiction, #7 in "Hot New Releases" for sci-fi & fantasy (holding strong), and #46 in the "Hot New Releases" section for mysteries & thrillers (up from 48!).
It's time to bring some West Coast muscle to this endeavor. Check out my shout-out to my PST friends!
9:20 PM
Giveaway #3!
As you know, there are TWO giveaways currently underway for today:
1) Call 206-984-2992, follow the instructions in the message, and then send me an email ( telling me what you said.
2) Visit the Trailers page, and post one of the vlurbs on your site, tweet it, or email FIVE friends, and then send me an email ( stating your mission compliance.
And now ... a THIRD GIVEAWAY opportunity!
3) This one's sinfully easy, but critically important. The gig:
- This is about personal word of mouth
- Email TEN FRIENDS / FAMILY MEMBERS who you dig most dearly
- Direct them to
- Tell them all about Personal Effects: Dark Art, and ask them to watch the main video on the home page
- CC me -- -- on your email
- That's it.
Can you do that? Sure you can. Ping ten pals, direct them to my site, and ask them to watch a video. Easy peasy. All giveaways end at midnight EST.
I'll randomly select two winners from the bunch. Your prize: signed copies of Personal Effects: Dark Art. You can't beat that with a stick! Get emailin'!
9:05 PM
Personal Effects: Dark Art maintains momentum!
Current sales rank online: 8 in sci-fi (holding strong), 21 in fantasy (holding strong), 70 in mystery & thrillers (down from 68), 371 overall (up from 373).
Where are my West Coast peeps? Time for you to crack some knuckles, hit the streets (or sites) and purchase a copy of the book...
Also, the book is currently #1 in the "Hot New Releases" for science-fiction, #7 in "Hot New Releases" for sci-fi & fantasy (holding strong), and #48 in the "Hot New Releases" section for mysteries & thrillers (down from 47).
Do I feel a sales rally coming on from my PST friends?
8:56 PM
More unboxing video awesomeness, this time from Steve Saylor! (I love his J.C. impersonation in the beginning!
8:45 PM
Have you checked out the red-hot (yet PG-13 rated) PDF featuring Suicide Girls Annika and Lumi ... and the "personal effects" from PE:DA? Click here to get the full story, or click the image below to download the PDF. If the photos leave you salivating for more, check out to become a member (a mere $4/month) and view the full adults-only set titled, "Personal Effects."
Books just got a whole helluva lot sexier.
Click to download the PDF
8:23 PM
Here are some fun unboxing photos from Brian Webber!
7:59 PM
You. Continue. To. Bring. It. Check out this AMAZING update!
Current sales rank online: 8 in sci-fi (up from 10!), 21 in fantasy (up from 24!), 68 in mystery & thrillers (up from 71!), 373 overall (up from 408). We've cracked 400! Can we hit Top 5 in sci-fi and Top 20 in fantasy? It's up to you!
Also, the book is currently #1 in the "Hot New Releases" for science-fiction, #7 in "Hot New Releases" for sci-fi & fantasy (holding strong), and #47 in the "Hot New Releases" section for mysteries & thrillers (up from 48)!
It's time to bring up the reserves, my peeps. If you've been holding out, head to your local bookstore or order online tonight!
Let's blow the roof off this sumbitch.
7:27 PM
Another photo update! I want YOUR photo here on the site today ... but the only way to do that is to hit your local bookstore and snag a copy. Can you do that? Are you willing to become one of the stellar folk below who've documented their awesomeness? I surely hope so. (Of course, if you'd rather order online, I can oblige.) Snap a pic, send it to, bask in the glory of your peers!
On with the superstars!
Bruce Lerner
David Perry's Spock and Chekhov
Eric J. Frank
Jack Staples
Podcast Junky
Stewart Boyles
Wired Pig
7:05 PM
I have PUNISHED the dishes! And what's this? A new chart update! Ever higher!
Current sales rank online: 10 in sci-fi (slipped a notch here), 24 in fantasy (up from 27!), 71 in mystery & thrillers (up from 79!), 408 overall (up from 452). We're gunning for 400 now, peeps!
Also, the book is currently #1 in the "Hot New Releases" for science-fiction, #7 in "Hot New Releases" for sci-fi & fantasy (holding strong), and #48 in the "Hot New Releases" section for mysteries & thrillers (up from 49)!
6:32 PM
I must wash dishes. Will return soon...
6:20 PM
MORE photos from Personal Effects fans! Can you feel the love? I can. It's warm and fuzzy. (Or is that my Brinkvale straightjacket?) Email me YOUR PE:DA pic at!
Michael Ward
Randy Hinkley
6:00 PM
Current sales rank online: 9 in sci-fi, 27 in fantasy, 79 in mystery & thrillers, 452 overall. JETPACK ON!
Also, the book is currently #1 in the "Hot New Releases" for science-fiction, #7 in "Hot New Releases" for sci-fi & fantasy (hopped back up a notch here!), and #49 in the "Hot New Releases" section for mysteries & thrillers (up two more notches)!
Will continue adding Brick-And-Mortar Hollas in the update slot below! Keep the support coming!
5:20 PM
Let's have some fun for the rest of this hour. I've been leaning on those online sales ranks all day ... but let's show some love for the folks who bought copies in real-life brick-and-mortar stores. Did YOU buy your book in-store? Shoot me a quick email -- -- or an @ reply on Twitter (I'm @jchutchins), telling me where you snagged your copy, and we'll give the store mad props here in this update section!
Email me! @ me! Give me a BRICK-AND-MORTAR HOLLA!
@frankstendal sez: "Borders in PDX did not fail me..."
@silent_e sez: "Got my copy at Books Inc., independent brick-n-mortar bookseller!!"
@Ropecast sez: "Mine was a brick-&-mortar Barnes & Noble in Madison, WI (east side). One of your wild, premature copies."
@Desdemina sez: "Barnes & Noble"
@trreed sez: "Borders, Quarry Market, San Antonio, TEXAS"
@JMCampbell sez: "I bought my copy at the Barnes & Noble at the Wellington Green mall in Wellington, FL"
@Mainframe sez: "I bought my copy today at the Barnes & Noble in Macon, GA"
@Br4indead sez: "Barnes & Noble, Lake Grove, NY.. Three on the shelf, now there are two ;) "
slamo via email sez: "Hey Hutch, Got my copy at the B & N in Palm Beach Gardens..shiny and new!!!"
@A_Rae sez: "I just bought my bookstore's last copy of Personal Effects. That makes me giddy."
@cmdln sez: "Borders in downtown Silver Spring, MD. And it was face out when I found it!"
@Barely sez: "I got mine at Barnes & Noble in Oak Brook Illinois. They had 3 copies left after I got mine."
@bknudtson sez: "Reserved my copy of #PEDA at Borders. Heading that way to pick it up on the way home"
@RandyNBL sez: "Just picked up one copy at B&N in Kennesaw, GA. Amazon copy en route."
@rgoshko sez: "none at my local store, but over 60 in my town"
@dcperry sez: "Got mine at the Barnes & Noble in Merrillville, IN after a swing and a miss at the local Borders."
@arkle sez: "My #PEDA came from beautiful Westminster, CO, on Sheridan Blvd. How B5. ;-) "
@PodcastJunky sez: "I got the last copy at the Borders books in Tustin, CA"
@monkeyluis sez: "Barnes & Noble!"
@Sparkly_Aria sez: "I reserved my copy at the local BN in Arlington, TX. Headed there shortly to pick it up."
@macfoo sez: "Borders in Newark, DE - was able to pick up my pre-order yesterday"
5:01 PM
BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE: Current sales rank online: 10 in sci-fi, 29 in fantasy, 84 in mystery & thrillers, 475 overall.
That's top 10 status in SF, top 20's in fantasy, top 80's in ultra-competitive mystery/thriller ... and TOP 500 overall!
Also, the book is currently #1 in the "Hot New Releases" for science-fiction, #8 in "Hot New Releases" for sci-fi & fantasy (slipped a notch here!), and #51 in the "Hot New Releases" section for mysteries & thrillers (up two notches)!
4:30 PM
Check out these AMAZING Personal Effects-related videos from folks who've purchased a copy: Mataxes, violetrogue and Karl Schild. Astoundingly awesome!¤t=PEDAOpen.flv
4:22 PM
More pics from the wild! This is amazing! Send me YOUR pic with Personal Effects: Dark Art at!
Dr. Duran aka Zed
Steve Saylor
Thomas Reed
3:25 PM
Another GIVEAWAY CONTEST! If you've been following the live updates here, you know that two lucky folks will snag a signed copy of PE:DA by calling...
...following the instructions in the message, and then sending me an email ( telling me what you said. But let's have some more fun, and give away TWO MORE copies!
Here's what you do: visit the Trailers page and pick your favorite video blurb from the ones found there. EMBED THE VIDEO at your site/blog, or post it to your Facebook page. If you don't have a site/FB, post a link to your favorite vlurb on Twitter. If you don't have a Twitter account, EMAIL FIVE FRIENDS a link to your favorite video, or to the Trailers page.
That's it. Either 1) post a vlurb on your site ... 2) tweet it ... or 3) email five friends a link to the vlurb/Trailers page.
Once you've done that, EMAIL ME at and I'll randomly select two vlurb evangelists from the bunch. They'll win signed copies of Personal Effects: Dark Art!
Both giveaways are running until the end of June 9. Get crackin'!
3:00 PM
Ascension continues! Current sales rank online: 11 in sci-fi, 34 in fantasy, 89 in mystery & thrillers, 557 overall. Eking closer to the top 500! Rock on!
Also, check out the brilliant Jared Axelrod's post about his wife J.R. Blackwell's project HER STORY -- details of which can be found below. Support experimental fiction (J.R. and Mur Lafferty are co-creators) and Personal Effects at the same time! Thanks for spreading the word, Jared!
2:37 PM
The ever-awesome C.C. Chapman has posted an UNBOXING VIDEO of his copy of Personal Effects: Dark Art! Check it out! Thanks, C.C.!
Can YOU share your unboxing video? Please do! Upload your vid to a video sharing site like YouTube, email me the link at, and I'll post it here! So cool!
2:28 PM
MORE awesome pics from Personal Effects fans! Check 'em out ... and if YOU have a copy on-hand, send it my way. I'll get it here on the page!
Beth Case
Keith Burtis
Paulette Jaxton
And standby for more awesomeness! Rumors suggest an UNBOXING VIDEO is on the way!
1:56 PM
Current sales rank online: 12 in sci-fi, 34 in fantasy, 93 in mystery & thrillers, 581 overall. We just might crack 500, folks! Keep the support coming!
Also, the book is currently #1 in the "Hot New Releases" for science-fiction, and #53 in the "Hot New Releases" section for mysteries & thrillers!
Also: Incredible! Twitter is overflowing with positive comments, public sightings and more, re: PE:DA. Check out the stream here.
And also: I'm stunned and flattered by Matthew Wayne Selznick's 1,000+ word review of Personal Effects. If you're on the fence about the book, check out his thorough review for more information.
And another also: Escape Pod founder Stephen Eley also has some kind things to say about PE:DA ... and my interview (along with Jordan Weisman) with the BBC is now online and available for download!
1:20 PM
Some recordings I've received so far for the Celebration Line giveaway! Scroll down to get all the deets!
1:00 PM
Sweet Christmas! More photos rolling in from you generous folk! Behold the amazing pics of fans like YOU who've picked up a copy of the book. It's good to see Scott Sigler represented here (those books class up his pasty mug), and check the hilarious pic by Stephanie, which proves that you need more than one copy of PE:DA in the house to keep folks civil!
Remember: Win a signed copy of Personal Effects: Dark Art! Call the Brinkvale Personal Effects Launch Celebration Line, leave a celebratory message, and then send me an email ( telling me what you said. The two callers with the most creative and fun message wins a copy of PE:DA! You have all day, June 9, to participate. The number:
Chart update coming soon, peeps.
David Perry
Richard Green
Scott Sigler
Stephanie Harvey
12:15 PM
Holy smokes, stellar news abounds! Check this:
Current sales rank online: 16 in sci-fi, 50 in fantasy, 774 overall. Heading toward the stratosphere, peeps!
PLUS -- CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT: Win a signed copy of Personal Effects: Dark Art! Call the Brinkvale Personal Effects Launch Celebration Line, leave your craziest, coolest celebratory message, and then send me an email ( telling me what you said. The two callers with the most creative and fun message wins a copy of PE:DA! The number:
Get creative! Get crazy! Get committed! (You have all day today, June 9, to participate.)
PLUS -- ANOTHER GIVEAWAY! Check out "Her Side," a multimedia experiment created by Mur Lafferty and J.R. Blackwell! This is a STELLARLY awesome experiment in fiction, and it supports Personal Effects! Visit the site for details, and support this brilliant new way of telling stories from Mur and J.R.! I have the coolest pals on the planet.
PLUS! Another thank you video from J.C. ... you guys are rocking my socks!
11:30 AM
MORE Personal Effects: Dark Art photos are rolling in. So awesome. Check 'em ... and check this fancy news: the book is #2 in the Sci-Fi "Hot New Releases" section. Keep spreading the word!
LUNCHTIME for East Coasters is fast-approaching. Will you pick up your copy of PE:DA during the break? Contribute to the cause, and be sure to take a pic of you with your book! Send it to, and I'll post it here!
Thomas "cmdln" Gideon
JP Harvey
11:00 AM
Current sales rank online: 16 in sci-fi, 56 in fantasy, 819 overall. Higher! Higher! has unleashed its "Personal Effects" photo set on the site. Check it out here. Membership is required to view the adults-only set; it's $4/month. (Money well-spent, if you ask me.)
I also serves up a video shout of muchly gratitude for YOUR help in making Personal Effects: Dark Art a hit-in-the-making. Thank you!
Contest announcement coming soon...
10:45 AM
Holy moley, check out these AWESOME colored pages from Anthony Epp! He printed out the fun (and funny!) Personal Effects: Dark Art coloring book, and did some art therapy of his own! How cool! Send me YOUR colored pages, and I'll post them here at the site! Email them to !
From Anthony Epp
From Anthony Epp
From Anthony Epp
10:00 AM: Stores now open on the East Coast
Current sales rank online: 29 in sci-fi, 90 in fantasy, 1,063 overall. Onward and upward!
EEE! UPDATE: Current sales rank online: 17 in sci-fi, 62 in fantasy, 867 overall. Highest ranking yet!
Muchly superfandom is being displayed in the Tweetspace and on blogs. Check out some of the kindness being displayed over at Twitter ... and be sure to check out the kind comments of Jason Penney, DC Perry and James Durham at their sites -- and at the Masks of Eris blog, too. Too cool for school!
Giveaways are coming: Signed copies of Personal Effects: Dark Art ... and signed copies of super-rare Advanced Reader Copies of the novel, too! Let's wait for the West Coast to wake up first, and then we'll unleash some evangelical badassery upon the Web!
8:40 AM
Current sales rank online: 24 in sci-fi, 75 in fantasy, 1,264 overall.
Even MORE photos of you awesome folks with your copies of Personal Effects are rolling in! Hot damn, check out these supercool pics of these PE:DA superfans!
Donna Phillips
From Eddie Haynes
The Encaffienated ONE
8:05 AM
You guys have sent me some AWESOME photos of you with your copies of Personal Effects: Dark Art! Here are a few that have rolled in so far; I'll post more throughout the day. Be sure to send me your pics at , and I'll get them on the site today!
MA in PA
Brian Saxon
Drew Beatty
7:39 AM
Just posted the PG-13-rated, stellarly sexy PDF excerpt of SucideGirls' "Personal Effects" photo set. Find it here. The full, adults-only nude photo set will be available at later today. SuicideGirls used the out-of-book artifacts as props in an in-world story told in the Personal Effects universe.
Also, the SUPERVLURB is now live, featuring 12 of the most influential names in podcast fiction. Too awesome for words. Check it here.
I'm guzzling the nectar of the gods -- Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee -- and prepping some fun content to post here later in the day, including photos of YOU with your copies of Personal Effects: Dark Art. Have a pic of you with your copy? Email it to me: