Victor Cajiao

J.C. on the Typical Mac User Podcast by J.C. Hutchins

I recently had the great pleasure to appear on Victor Cajiao's terrific program, the Typical Mac User Podcast, to chat about Personal Effects: Dark Art, new media, creativity, and how Apple products and software play mission-critical roles in my creative endeavors. Victor, TMUP contributor George Starcher and I had a blast.

Victor has generously provided me the audio from that interview, and I'm delighted to share it with you. I also heartily endorse Victor's world-class show, and hope that you -- regardless of if you're an Apple fanboy or a hard-core PC user -- check it out. And for the photographers in my audience, check out Victor's stellar Typical Shutterbug Podcast, too!


J.C. on the Typical Mac User Podcast
J.C. Hutchins