A Different Point of View

OBSIDIAN: Episode 3 by J.C. Hutchins


The third episode of J.C. Hutchins' 7th Son: OBSIDIAN features a universe-blurring tale of violence and hope by Imperial stormtrooper TD-0013, from the "A Different Point of View" podcast. How can a Star Wars stormtrooper appear in the 7th Son saga? Listen to find out...

TD-0013's "A Different Point of View" is a must-listen collection of essays told from a loyal stormtrooper's perspective. Learn more about TD's work -- and send him an appreciative email -- at www.ADPOV.net. This November, TD is participating in a walk across the Arizona desert to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis research. Click the banner below to learn more!

Coming up next on 7th Son: OBSIDIAN: The debut of "Voices from the Darkness," collections of fan-created audio content that chronicle the OBSIDIAN blackout as seen by its victims!


Feedback about OBSIDIAN is welcome and appreciated! Send J.C. an email, leave a comment below, or call the Clone Line at 206-984-2566 (CLONE).

OBSIDIAN: Episode 3
J.C. Hutchins