Podcast: Interview with Jim Babb, Transmedia Storyteller and Game Designer / by J.C. Hutchins

Today, J.C. speaks with Jim Babb, a New York-based creator who uses transmedia storytelling methods, game design and people's curiosity to create fun stories that inspire audience participation. The latest project he and his company Awkward Hug are overseeing is the brilliant and charming Socks Inc.

In this chat, Jim shares how he was first exposed to unconventional storytelling, and how it influenced his life and career ... and how it directly impacted the development of Socks Inc. Along the way, we'll learn how Jim incorporated filmmaking, games, play and -- most important -- audience interaction into his projects.

It's a delightful conversation about a very fun (and funny!) online-meets-real-world narrative.

Podcast: Interview with Jim Babb, Transmedia Storyteller and Game Designer
J.C. Hutchins