Interview: Seth Harwood, Author of "Young Junius" / by J.C. Hutchins

Kick back and enjoy J.C.'s interview with crime fiction author Seth Harwood, whose latest and greatest novel-length work, Young Junius, will soon be on sale in a killer limited edition hardcover edition. Learn about the novel, Seth's innovative partnership with publisher Tyrus Books and the unique challenges Seth experienced while writing this terrific book. Most important, pick up YOUR limited edition hardcover copy of Young Junius starting tomorrow, May 5. It's "Cinco de Junius," and you're invited to party!

From Seth's site:

Tyrus Books and I are printing a limited run of numbered, signed special edition copies of YOUNG JUNIUS for you, the die-hard Palms Family fans. This edition will be covered by a special, embossed dust jacket featuring artwork by my boys Jerry Scullion and Bob Ostrom. Inside, there will be a b&w insert with photos of some of the book's locations. A cloth binding, a metallic spine stamp, and more fun features will round out this gorgeous edition. We're looking at a run of less than 1,000 copies total. Once we sell them out, they're gone!

Get your learn on about the book at Seth's website, and be sure to order your copy using the coupon code "HUTCH." This'll save you a few bucks!

And be sure to check out Seth's LIVE May 5 call-in show with the good folks at Podioracket. Visit for more information!

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The anthem for Hey, Everybody! is "Chip Away" by Jane's Addition, distributed freely via BitTorrent and the Nine Inch Nails/Jane's Addiction tour site,

Interview: Seth Harwood, Author of “Young Junius”
J.C. Hutchins