Personal Effects: Sword of Blood episode 5 / by J.C. Hutchins

Apologies for the delay in releasing the latest episode of Sword of Blood. J.C. kinda had a big book launch last week, and has been scrambling to catch up ever since. Plus, he's been creating some cool stuff for you, which will be released later this week.

This week's Sword of Blood episode is a short one, but it's packed with some exciting and disturbing sequences. This will be the last Sword of Blood episode for the next two weeks. On Friday, June 26 and Friday, July 3, you will experience audio excerpts from Personal Effects: Dark Art. You'll learn why in J.C.'s chatter after the episode.

SYNOPSIS: Zach takes a call. Hen reveals her knowledge of The Charred.

NEW TO J.C.'s FICTION, OR PODCASTING? I've been releasing free audiobooks since 2006, and am gearing up for the June 9 release of Personal Effects: Dark Art, a novel that combines the traditional novel experience with a multimedia-fueled "out of book" narrative that unfolds via phone, email and websites. Pre-order a copy of Personal Effects: Dark Art today.

Listen to the episode by clicking the "play" button below. Catch up with the story by visiting the Sword of Blood synopsis page. Learn how to subscribe this podcast here.

Personal Effects: Sword of Blood episode 5
J.C. Hutchins