HEY, EVERYBODY #003 / by J.C. Hutchins

It's a good thing "Hey Everybody!" is a digital file, cuz this one's too hot to touch. Killer announcements abound! J.C. starts off the show by telling you about future vlurb participants (including an unnamed horror film legend -- you'll crap when all is revealed), and teasing the hell out of something awesome happening at Balticon 43, in which he's involved.

But it's all about anticipation, so Hutch serves up an audio version of his essay Spontaneous Human Promotion. He also damns his arch-nemesis, Scott Sigler, to hell. Good times.

Then the big reveal: May is going to be a big month for J.C. ... and this is in addition to the upcoming debut of Personal Effects: Dark Art and the podcast-exclusive prequel, Personal Effects: Sword of Blood. Deets are spilled about a new animation project J.C.'s been working on, code-named "Project Bedbug," and then drops a killer bomshell that simply must be heard.

Words to remember: Balticon ... Stranger Things ... Singularity ... Disconnect ... and PutMeInTheShow@StrangerThings.tv.

J.C. concludes by answering some fan questions, and giving an update on Personal Effects: Sword of Blood.


The anthem for Hey, Everybody! is "Chip Away" by Jane's Addition, distributed freely via BitTorrent and the Nine Inch Nails/Jane's Addiction tour site, Ninja2009.com.

The Stranger Things anthem is "Exurgency" by Zoe Keating. Learn more about her work at ZoeKeating.com.

Like what you hear? Please leave a comment, and tell a friend about the show, and about Personal Effects: Dark Art!

J.C. Hutchins