OBSIDIAN: Episode 24 / by J.C. Hutchins


Feast your ears on the penultimate showcase short story in 7th Son: OBSIDIAN -- The Goodbye Party, by Christiana Ellis.

Christiana Ellis is an award-winning writer and podcaster living in Morrisville, North Carolina. She has been podcasting since September of 2005, when she launched her first show, "Christiana Talks About Stuff." Since then, podcasting has assimilated all of her free time, much like the Borg. In 2006, she produced a podcast audiobook version of her then-unpublished novel, Nina Kimberly the Merciless, a comic fantasy about the teenage daughter of a feared Barbarian conqueror. Nina Kimberly the Merciless was a finalist for the first ever Parsec Award for Best Speculative Fiction Story: Long Form, and since completion of the podcast version, the novel has been selected for print publication by Dragon Moon Press, coming to bookstores in May, 2009.

Among her multiple other projects, Christiana also produced Space Casey, a ten-episode audiodrama miniseries about a con artist who steals the wrong spaceship. Casey's adventures earned Christiana multiple award nominations, and was the winner of the both the American Society for Science Fiction Audio's prestigious Mark Time Award, and the 2008 Parsec Award for Best Audio Drama Short Form.

Even beyond the podosphere, Space Casey has received radio play on multiple radio stations all over the country. Presently, Christiana has some big projects in development, but in the meantime she has been contributing to other podcasts, including Mur Lafferty's "Stories of the Third Wave," 7th Son: Obsidian, and the collaborative storyline of the "Pieces Podcast." Last but not least, Christiana's "Shallow Thoughts" has been running continuously since April, providing a daily dose of serene surrealism, and earning the 2008 Podcast Peer Award for Best Short Podcast.

Find her online at ChristianaEllis.com.


Coming up on 7th Son: OBSIDIAN: More "Voices from the Darkness" episodes ... and Euscocial Networking, the two-part tale by Scott Sigler!

OBSIDIAN: Episode 24
J.C. Hutchins