I recently created some Web banners to support my friends Tee Morris and Pip Ballantine (for their imminent "Double Trouble" print novel promotion) and Mur Lafferty (to amp up folks for the print release of Playing for Keeps in late August). Since I haven't promoted these much, I thought I'd rattle the cup here and encourage you to help support these authors by posting the banners on your site, blog, Myspace, Facebook pages, etc.
Note: The banners are at the end of this post.
Inserting these little guys into your online home is easy peasy. Simply paste the embed data below into a blog post, sidebar widget, etc. The image (and hotlink) should miraculously appear on your site, for all the world to see.
Of course, I'd be remiss in not imploring you -- politely, of course -- to do more than just advertise these authors' brilliant wares. Help reward their hard work by purchasing copies of The Case of the Pitcher's Pendant: A Billibub Baddings Mystery and Digital Magic on Aug. 8, and Playing for Keeps on Aug. 25. Not only will you be "giving back" to these authors (who work tirelessly to provide fans with free audiofiction), but you'll help make history, and validate their work as professionals.
Trust me: there's no greater thrill for an artist than being monetarily rewarded for his efforts. Enjoy the banners, spread the word, and happy buying in August!

Double Trouble banner embed code: <a href="http://www.teemorris.com/billipodcast/double-trouble/"> <img src="http://jchutchins.net/files/DT_ad.jpg" alt="Double Trouble advert"></a>

Playing for Keeps banner embed code: <a href="http://playingforkeepsnovel.com"> <img src="http://jchutchins.net/files/keeps_animated.gif" alt="Playing For Keeps advert"></a>