BONUS: "Tea and Chat" interview with J.C. Hutchins / by J.C. Hutchins

I rarely post interviews of myself in my own podcast feed -- I always fear that the act is a little smug and self-congratulatory -- but I simply could not not showcase this recent conversation with brilliant interviewer Stephen Kilbride from the "Tea and Chat" podcast.

What makes Stephen's interview so special? While it is perhaps the longest interview I've ever done in podcasting ... and I've done well over 100 in the past two years ... it's also one of the most exhaustive and authoritative in its scope and depth. While longtime 7th Son fans will know the trilogy's plot "elevator pitch" all too well -- and several other anecdotes found here -- this conversation explores my perspectives on podcasting, publishing and writing ... and how I think projects like 7th Son: OBSIDIAN can permanently (and positively) change the landscape of storytelling.

I believe no other interview I've done to date better encapsulates my thoughts on new media, free content, and where I think fiction can go, when authors empower their audiences to participate in the creative process. The lines between creator and spectator are blurring, and I think that's an exciting thing indeed.

You'll also hear me chat about topics other than 7th Son and OBSIDIAN. We touch on the UltraCreatives Interview Series (and why it may not return after OBSIDIAN's conclusion), my advice for new writers, creative inspirations for my characters, the roots of my undying gratitude for 7th Son fans, and a lot more.

I hope you enjoy this very long interview, and -- more important -- I hope you check out Stephen's incredible "Tea and Chat" podcast, in which he interviews other authors in the podcasting space. It's must-listen content, and I'm grateful to Stephen for making so much time to chat with me for his show.


BONUS: “Tea and Chat” interview with J.C. Hutchins
J.C. Hutchins