OBSIDIAN: Episode 1 / by J.C. Hutchins


Welcome to the debut episode of J.C. Hutchins' 7th Son: OBSIDIAN, the world's first podcast short story anthology based in an existing fictional universe. The universe is, of course, Hutchins' 7th Son Podcast Novel Trilogy.

Nearly 100 people have contributed to the OBSIDIAN experience. Tales from bestselling novelists, A-List podcast storytellers and 7th Son fans from around the globe will be featured in this anthology over the next 10 weeks. At least three episodes of content will be released each week, so prepare for full immersion into the OBSIDIAN blackout experience.

In the weeks ahead, you'll hear stories from these podcast entertainers: Michael A. Stackpole, Scott Sigler, Mur Lafferty, Matt Wallace, Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff, Christiana Ellis, Evo Terra, Dan Klass, Wichita Rutherford, TD-0013, George Hrab, Soccergirl, and the cast of The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd.

Today's episode features the first half of the short story Miles To Go Before I Sleep, written and narrated by Tee Morris. Learn more about Tee's work -- and send him an appreciative email! -- at TeeMorris.com.

There's huge news in J.C.'s "talky talk" intro and outro segments, including:

  • The big reveal about J.C.'s next novel, affectionately nicknamed CODE PHANTOM
  • The world premiere of Celldweller's instrumental version of "Birthright"
  • How you can download a full album of Celldweller songs -- including the full version of "Birthright" -- for free at FixtOnline.com/FreeDownloads
  • J.C.'s appearance on producer Shawn Bishop's podcast, Behind The Lines #14
  • The debut of J.C.'s text story, 7th Son: Runner, available as a mobile phone exclusive

Feedback about OBSIDIAN is welcome and appreciated! Send J.C. an email, leave a comment below, or call the Clone Line at 206-984-2566 (CLONE).

OBSIDIAN: Episode 1
J.C. Hutchins